Surely, we would all like to head to out nearby computer store or JB Hi-Fi and just purchase a brand new laptop when the one we have is not working anymore. Because today, you can’t live without a laptop. Laptops count amongst the most basic of modern life necessities for most Australians, but they can also be incredibly expensive especially if your requirements are for a more high-end laptop that can operate multiple software simultaneously.
When looking for a laptop (whether new or used), first thing to decide is power and speed, and what it is you are going to use your laptop for (work, gaming, watching Netflix movies etc.). Secondhand used laptop can be a real lifesaver, as in $$$ saver, and yet, there are a few specifics any potential laptop computer buyer needs to watch out for so that you can ensure you get at least few years from your investment.
The Basics of Secondhand Laptop Buying
- Always define your requirements first. Do you need a laptop for fairly simple tasks like writing and emailing, surfing the internet, or do you need it to run heavy-duty software that will likely require some potent CPU speed and good amount of RAM. Discussing these requirements with the seller or laptop specialists such as The Electronic Fix (if you are living in Brisbane Australia) is also a wise approach.
- In terms of sellers, while it may be tempting to buy used laptops from marketplaces like eBay or GumTree for example, you are unlikely to get a warrantee or a guarantee. Buying used laptops from reputable sellers that also sell refurbished laptops is a better choice because their laptops are checked out by a technician before put on for sale.
- Never go for the outward appearance of the laptop in its entirety. Many laptops on the market (particularly through online sellers) can look like they’re in good condition outwardly, but may be damaged inside. Your requirements of battery life, RAM, CPU speed, SSD and other specs should always take precedence. Furthermore, avoid purchasing or paying top dollars for a laptop that is more than 3 years old because it will likely be on the decline to meet todays requirements by then. An exception can be made for premium high-end laptops (such as Omen or Dell Alienware) since their features can make up for their age and wear and tear.
- Before you actually purchase a used laptop, make sure you let the laptop run for at least an hour to see how fast the battery gets used up when it is not plugged in. Make allowance for the fact that a laptop may cost less because its battery is likely not hold much charge and needs a replacement which will be apparent if it drains super-fast. Purchasing a new battery or an AC adaptor is a cost you will need to factor in, in most cases. Not to mention refurbished laptops are sometimes repaired with second-hand batteries so they may last well for a few months before crashing.
- Have a look at the hardware: sockets, the mouse pad, the keys, and the screen. With many older or refurbished touch-screen laptops, screens may have been replaced from different laptop models rendering them less responsive. Make sure you check the USB ports, webcam, and other peripheral items of the laptop since initially issues may not be visible.
- Speed is imperative to the modern user’s experience (regardless of how you are going to use your laptop). Consider minimum of 8gb of RAM (preferably 16gb) at least a laptop that has upgrade capacity.
- The size and weight of an old laptop may seem like it doesn’t matter but over time it will make the difference between a positive and a negative user experience. Depending on your needs, a laptop needs to be extremely portable and light along with being high-performing (even if it’s not a MacBook). For example, carrying some models of laptops are like carrying a dead kangaroo.
Seek Professional Advice
Perhaps you are a tech savvy person who can build Desktop Systems, or you understand I/O of CPU operations, or how to Crossfire your RTX Graphics Card, regardless of Desktop Computer building knowledge, laptops differ in size as well as the internals aren’t visible without taking the case off. That means, seeking professional help from a tech savvy person (even your friend or other family members) is ideal especially if you aren’t familiar with how computers operate.
Speak With The Electronic Fix Experts in Brisbane Australia
Whether you got a question regarding a particular laptop you are considering buying, or whether you want to buy high-end laptop. We can advice you as well as repair and upgrade all types of laptop computers in Brisbane Australia. Simply:
The Electronic Fix in Brisbane Queensland Australia