Technology today is an integral part of our lives, just imagine not having the ability to use our computers and laptops to get online in these challenging times we Australians face. That would be just a nightmare situation.
Within the technological devices, we have goldmine/s (plural) of data, much of which is essential for our work tasks as well as to preserve valuable memories. Data recovery due to computer or laptop malfunction is a troubling issue especially if it happens with external data drives. Here are a few ways to solve data recovery problems with a minimum of fuss.
Invest in Data Recovery Software
If your files have been deleted either by your own mistake or by invading virus or malware, data recovery software is indispensable and critically important. However, this type of data recovery software may not be able to retrieve everything especially if the file was corrupted and made unusable.
In many cases, the file you are looking for may exist on the system but not under a recognisable name, which means that only a data recovery expert could manually sort that out.
There is also the trouble of administrative data of files being reformatted automatically when you attempt to correctly format a computer drive so they may get temporarily ‘lost’ this way.
Unwanted Clone Effects
Data recovery software and installation tools often end up cloning data (which resembles retrieval but isn’t) since the process is automatic, many files may slip through these software’s scanning functionalities.
Expert help in this regard is recommended especially if the files you are looking for are vitally important (for example: you may live without a particular work file, but can not when the memories of past are stored in image files which are lost within the 0’s and 1’s).
External Hard Drive Failures
Many aussies with extensive data storage needs opt for external hard drives, but even those provide no guarantee that your data is safe. One virus at the time of plugging in can damage your hard drive’s files and make them unreadable or disappear completely.
Incorrectly installed software can also make files disappear from their usual places on the Desktop user interface. This can be resolved with data recovery procedures and tools even if the files have been cleared from the Recycle Bin. If the usual desktop icons are no longer accessible, particularly the Recycle Bin, here’s how to find it
The hard drive can also be physically damaged if it is transported incorrectly or accidentally dropped. Internals of a hard-drive is a technological marvel, the diodes that pass the electric current perform the function like a fuse. Impact or high voltage fluctuations can fry them making the hard drive unusable. If the PCB (known as the printed circuit board) is replaced, that usually retrieves all data stored on the drive.
Damage for any reason to the platter of the hard drive (usually indicated by clicking or tapping noises) also means the drive has been fried and the same process as above should be carried out by a professional computer repair technician to get the saved data.
Corruption in the files on the hard drive may spread to other files making them unreadable as well, and they may not appear when the drive is plugged in and or searched. Data recovery tools coupled with other software can successfully remove the malware and also retrieve the original files.
More Harm Than Good
In some instances of severe malware inflicted damage, many people make the situation much worse by trying to retrieve data themselves through either free tools or inadequate ones.
In such cases, it is better to take your computer to a technician who has experience in data recovery as you stand to lose the data forever with amateur recovery mechanisms.
Data Recovery Service in Brisbane Australia
At The Electronic Fix we are your data recovery experts on the Brisbane Northside with a No Data No Fee policy for all data recovery work we perform. That means, you can think of us as gold miners looking at your hard drive as if it is earth and we dive deep in recovery mode to get the data you may think that you lost.
We have the state of the art equipment needed to test your hard drive on the spot and provide fast solutions. Basically, if the data is within your computer and hard drive, we will find it and retrieve it for you.
Expert Data Recovery Solutions in Brisbane