At The Electronic Fix we also offer service for data recovery for hard drives that may have been damaged. Unfortunate as it may be, when we lose our precious photos or important documents stored on our computer devices, we want them back. Our job here at The Electronic Fix is to get them back for you with our affordable data recovery service in Brisbane.
Even though regular backing up of your data is recommended, lots of people forget to back up their data for various reasons. If your only copy of your data is on a hard drive that has been damaged, then, you need to have it accessed as soon as possible for recovery. Because the longer the issue is put off fixing, greater the loss of data and harder the retrieval will be.
When is Data Recovery Service Required
You may need this service if you have a corrupt hard disk drive, or your data has been accidentally wiped from bad sectors, or your hard drive has been accidentally dropped. Our services also extend to recovering data off mobile phones or flash drives too.
Common problems making your data unreadable also include liquid damage, mechanical failure, logical failure, or although rare in Brisbane Australia power surge.
If the hard drive has been affected by liquid damage, this can cause corrosion very quickly, however we can still extract the data if cleaned up as soon as possible.
We strongly advise you not to attempt to dry the hard drive yourself as this could lead to corrosion and data loss. We will happily assess the damage for you.
In the past, people just had to accept that their data was gone if they wiped over it or their hard drive had crashed, but nowadays this data can be retrieved with our specialised data recovery equipment. We have a very good success rate retrieving data at very competitive rates anywhere in Brisbane.
There are many ways of recovering data depending on the device and data type that is lost, our experienced technicians can advice you on the best method that is also the most economical way moving forward.

As we are a shop front based in Mitchelton Brisbane you can drop off your hard drive or laptop / computer anytime during the week from 9-5 or Saturday 9-12 for us to access what is required to obtain your precious data back. No appointment is required as we will endeavor to work on accessing to retrieve your data as soon as possible for you.
Depending on the type of work involved the cost for this service can vary, at The Electronic Fix, we strive to be the most competitive laptop computer repairer in Brisbane, we sincerely believe that you too will be happy with our service rates. Here’s a review from one of our valued customers.
Exceptional! And this is why: The battery of my laptop was not charging anymore. John carefully inspected the battery, the jack, the charger, and made several tests. While other experts could have suggested me to buy a new battery and/or charger, he find out that the issue came from my Europe/AUS adapter. He gave me this precious service for free and… even offered me a new battery that he found “this morning in the back room”. Thank you so much John.
Here at The Electronic Fix we always provide a fixed quote for all repairs including for data recovery solutions, and even after the quote there would be no cost if we cannot get your data.
Using our specialised data recovery equipment, we get to work identifying the cause of the problem, find the best option for fixing for recovery. Keep in mind that you can provide your own external hard drive or USB stick (if the data in question is small enough in size), however we have external hard drives readily available should you require one for your data recovery.
When looking for data recovery service in Brisbane Australia, contact The Electronic Fix for professional advice and affordable service.